One of the first substantial departures from the apostolic pattern that took place in the early history of the church of Christ pertained to its organization and government. Offices set in place by the apostles were transformed and expanded beyond their original scope. This paved the way for many other heresies in doctrine and practice. The autonomy of the local church is a safeguard against apostasy but the change from elders in local churches to a worldwide hierarchy of power over the universal church allowed churches everywhere to be swept up in error. In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, we continue the series ‘Innovations and the Divine Pattern’ with a study of ‘Innovations in Church Government.
The near 2,000-year history of the church is marked by a multitude of innovations to what was originally revealed by Christ and His apostles. How should we react to these changes? Are all changes wrong? Should Christians be content for their faith and practice to evolve with the passing of time and cultural transition? In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, we present part 2 of our series on “Innovations and the Divine Pattern”. We pose the question “What Is Wrong With Innovations?”
The church established by Jesus Christ upon the foundation of His apostles is complete and perfect in its design. It did not take long, however, for mankind to corrupt it with human ideas and arrangements. The 2,000-year history of the church has been one largely of change and departure from the divine pattern. In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, we begin a series of studies about Innovations and the Divine Pattern with an overview called “A History Of Innovation”. Like and share the video. You may also find it at the website:
Kevin PresleyWith Let The Bible Speak Archives
January 2023