Does it matter how we worship God? In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, we learn about two priests in the Old Testament who learned the answer the hard way. When the priests offered their sacrifices, a consuming fire confirmed that God received the offering. In the case of this careless and presumptuous pair, the fire fell and consumed them instead. Find out why it is dangerous to Play With Fire. Sign up for our free Bible correspondence course.
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Does it matter how we worship God? If we could ask two old testament priests named Nadab and Abihu that question, doubtless they would answer, "Yes!" When the sons of Aaron burned incense to the Lord, the fire they used was not obtained from the correct place. They instead offered "strange fire" unto the Lord which angered God and the fire consumed them. In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, we see how dangerous it is to play with fire.
Women have made an indelible mark on the modern world in business, politics, art, and religion. They have well-proven their intellect and talent to be equal to and in many cases, surpassing their male counterparts. Consequently, the rise of women's liberation and the women's rights movement has opened the pulpits of many churches to females to serve as pastors, teachers, evangelists, etc. Is this according to God's will or is it a change to the divine pattern for the work and worship of the church? In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, we continue our series on Innovations and the Divine Pattern by focusing on women preachers and teachers in the church.
Instrumental music in worship is nearly a universal practice among churches in the 21st century. Was it the practice of the 1st century disciples? Although introduced into the worship of the Old Testament temple, the new testament falls silent about any such use in the assemblies of the church. Sacred history reveals that it took six-hundred years for them to find their way into new testament era worship. Continuing the series Innovations and the Divine Pattern, in this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak we consider the innovation of Instrumental Music in Church Worship.
The winds of change are sweeping across the religious community almost as fast as they are reshaping the world at large. Long-standing beliefs and scriptural traditions are being abandoned in a pragmatic effort to make the church more adaptable and palatable to the secular world and particularly, the millennial generation. Many churches of Christ are adopting practices and approaches to scripture that were long avoided by congregations associated with restoration of primitive Christianity. This change has left many behind and confused. In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak we look at why churches change, when change is good and when it is not.
Giving is a predominate theme throughout the word of God. God, Himself, is the Supreme Giver. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..." Through the ages, His people have been taught to give back to Him by giving to His cause and by sharing with others. Though the practice of tithing, or giving a tenth of one's property back to God, predates the Mosaic law, it was made a commandment unto the Israelites. Congregations of Christians are taught to collectively treasure up a portion of what they have been given each first day of the week (1 Corinthians 16:1-2). Is this the same thing as tithing? Are Christians commanded to tithe under the new covenant and if not, what are we to give to the local church?
Kevin PresleyWith Let The Bible Speak Archives
January 2023