Our series on Innovations concludes with a look at departures that have taken place from the original design of the Lord's Supper as instituted by Christ. The elements that Christ chose to commemorate His suffering and its result are profound in their simplicity. They reflect the unity and joint participation the church is to enjoy in the benefits of Christ's death and the new covenant that was thereby established. In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, a look at how the later practice of multiple loaves and cups distorts the beautiful picture Christ originally portrayed in the divine feast.
How and why did the early church practice baptism? As we continue a series on Innovations and the Divine Pattern, we have already shown how the government of the church was corrupted from an arrangement of qualified elders in each local church to a hierarchy of power, eventually becoming centered in Rome. This departure led to a multitude of doctrinal changes through the centuries and swept the church further into error and apostasy. One of the changes that resulted was in regard to the apostolic teaching about baptism in water. Within 200 years, the design of baptism began to change and by 1,300 years after the establishment of Christ's church baptism officially became something other than what the early disciples practiced and it's purpose changed. In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, we look at the slow evolution of thought concerning this sacred practice and why most religions today misrepresent the bible's teaching about baptism. Is your baptism from heaven or men?
One of the first substantial departures from the apostolic pattern that took place in the early history of the church of Christ pertained to its organization and government. Offices set in place by the apostles were transformed and expanded beyond their original scope. This paved the way for many other heresies in doctrine and practice. The autonomy of the local church is a safeguard against apostasy but the change from elders in local churches to a worldwide hierarchy of power over the universal church allowed churches everywhere to be swept up in error. In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, we continue the series ‘Innovations and the Divine Pattern’ with a study of ‘Innovations in Church Government.
Kevin PresleyWith Let The Bible Speak Archives
January 2023